Old Music

I’ve recently been processing through a lot of my old CDs. I have a healthy collection of physical media that I’m just not ready to part with. However, as a first step, I can let go of (most of) the plastic cases. As I move the disc and liner notes out of the case and into their new home I’m hit by wave after wave of nostalgia. I remember blasting this one driving down the road with my friends. This is the first song I ever heard by the band that would become my favorite. This is the one I got because it had that one song, but the rest was mediocre.

I hope you have something in your life that brings you the joy I find in this collection. I know the feel of each one just by looking at the disc. I know this because I lived in this music. If you were around in the heyday of CDs and disposable income, you probably also remember listening to the same ones over and over. Streaming wasn’t a thing; you couldn’t just move on to the next thing with the click of a button.

Being almost a quarter of the way through the 21st Century, there are very few things that we repeatedly experience like we did with CDs. We are always on the lookout for what’s new and what’s next. But sometimes what we need to do is hear what we’ve heard again.

Hebrews 13:8-9 reminds us, “8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

9 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace…” This is something we know but don’t always take the time to dwell on.

It’s easy to look at scripture and think, “I’ve read that before,” or “I already know that story.” But this closes us off from the new thing God wants us to learn from the things we’ve done before.

Get out your Bible on CD and wear out the discs!